Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Bandung with the Eds

hi, how u doin'. i had a boring day in the morning, after took a shower i have nothing to do but twittering with my mates. as i said before i don't really like that social network, maybe because i'm a beginner. well, honestly i have no money i mean i have it but i have to be very picky to use my money. i don't want to be tortured on the last of this month.

unfortunately, emil and Ita ( the eds member) asked me to join them. they will go to BIP to accompany Emil who want her hair cut. it was sounds tantalize. then, i went to my room to change. here we go, the eds went to Bandung for the first time.

as we arrived i felt dead hungry. man, i always like that when i starve, dizzy and dont what im talkin about. then i ate in foodcourt with brigita a.k.a Ita. then i back to salon where emil cut her black shiny hair. i still feel dizzy, i don't know why.

after window shopping, we decided to back to nangor by Damri.on the way to DU i have to face an annoying driver..hah i used to paid 1500 only then now i've to pay 2000, RRRrrrr. even sadder though the DAMRI was full already. Damn, what should we do? i just have a few mount of money..we got in a public transp. to caheum and got in bus. what a slowly bus, i felt like i was riding an old turtle. 2 hours later we arrived and looking for a dinner. hah, however i love what we have done the eds. =*

btw The Eds members are me, Ita and Emil. we live in Pondok Edelweiss. eds is taken from edelweiss.

the sad part is we haven't taken any photo.. =(
now i am on my bed writing on this blank page.. and trying to write it in English. why? i know that i don't have much capability in English. and i realize that i have to keep learning everyday.

as Robert Collier said that "success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out". i don't care what people say.the important thing is i have to practice and enrich my vocabulary. yes i am a swot sometimes..and can be a procrastinator in the same time.


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