Senin, 28 Maret 2011


again, i have to leave my room just to escape from the thing that make me furious. i had to go there and there and there just to make my self in my own convenient zone. he never realize that it won't happened if he just calm and keep his mouth in silence.

so i went to jakarta to refresh my mind. but then in Jakarta i found a new problem. but it is OKE if he can make me a bit relax than before. what i need is time and money.

i went to caca's, to cindy's then who's next? just to escape from him. i don't know where to go, he always try to make me say 'YES' of what he says. just like Ellen who always come to Celia's house and try to take Celia's soul. what so ever!

hey, what about last night?
i throw my dirty word and i slapped u.
just because i don't what to do to make u realize that i don't want you anymore

i do apologize

like Sid who stabbed Nancy 7 times. i stabbed u 4 times then u stabbed me 3 times.

the fact is we are not Nancy and Sid .

why don't we just solve this problemssssssssssss (so many problems), calmly. but HEY u don't want to.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

had a bad day

pagi-pagi bgun jam9.ngerjain creative writing.rasanya males bgt makan.makan juga ga abis (belagu).jam 2 HP gue ketinggalan dikamar Emil.Jam setengah 3 Cindy dtg ngerjain PUNK nya debating.jam4 latihan Padus.jam setengah 7 papa bawa berita yg tidak terduga.Jam setengah 8 baru nyampe kosan (ga enak badan). Jam setengah 9 BT liat FB dan ga ada harapan. sekarang BT liat HP yg sepi kaya kuburan,sekarang BT lg nulis tulisan yg gak jelas. i had a bad day guys.


Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

a broken heart letter

Siang ini aku tertawa tapi tidak dari hati
hari ini aku bersedih, benar-benar dari dalam hati
bukan salahku jika kita terpisah
bukan pula salah mu jika kamu tak kunjung tahu apa salahmu
bukan salah sumpahmu jika tak bisa dipegang

kembalilah dalam pelukan siapapun
jangan kepelukanku
lenganku tak sanggup lagi memeluk tubuhmu apalagi hatimu
jangan kembali ke hariku
karena hari-hariku bukan hari mu lagi

kembalilah jika kamu telah benar-benar mengerti apa arti sebuah prinsip
apa arti sebuah perjalanan hidup yang panjang
apa arti dunia setelah kehidupan
berfikirlah panjang sepanjang garis lautan yang menelan matahari kala senja

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

bad day !

i don't know i call today as a bad day. maybe because i feel lonely (again). i woke up at 7. and as usual prepared for the 'winter class' (lab work). idk why the air condt. always that cold. i feel like i am in the refrigerator. BBBrrrr. so i grabbed my socks and jacket. and TTAaarraaaaaaa Mr. Kasno wasn't goin' to attend the class. then i went to kansas. and nothing to do.nor eat.

at 10.we had a translation class. and i was bored. sleepy. i back to my dorm and online. hah boring. even when i write this, i still feel boring.

Emil decided to go to Bekasi, Ita who says that will come to edelweiss she doesn't come as she promised. Sari, who intends to sleep in my room canceled her plan, i can't go to Cikarang to celebrate Susan's Bday,eka who says that he loves me is very busy today. he accompanies his brother to the various place. i'm ok, if he pleased.

and now i'm here all alone.the thing that bother me still stuck in my head, what a curiosity ! wanna meet and know.have a good sleep dear.


what's the matter?

i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble.

well, so teenager.

no one can help me...

que sera sera, whatever will be, will be. the future's not ours to see.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

happy 1st anniversary Eka Sugya Atmaja =)

my BF n i have through all the journey 1 year. for me it is an achievement that i never make a relationship more than 2 month since i was in highschool. during this first year, we have done the craziest things..the saddest thing..

well, i make a list about what we have done this year..and i ask him to write it too. but i think he hasn't make it yet. but no prob.

(ga pk bs. Inggris ah ribet coy)

1.Eka nembak gue 11 maret 2010 di tempat anak SPDC latihan jam 10 ujan-ujan.
2. abis nonton soundlicious kita ga pulang ke nangor, jadi berdiam diri sampe pagi di DaPla
3. eka dtg ke bandung waktu tau HP gue lenyap di ambil supir angkot
4.maen muat-muatan badan di pintu yang sempit. (konyol)
5. sometimes he sings a song before i go to sleep
6. maen gitar lagunya mocca, AIR, SORE, di PAM
7. give u birthday present yang seadanya.hehehe
8. Shushi time
9. our first met in Purnama
10. dia jemput gue dikampus bawa payung haha geblek
11. i cook for him kangkung, nasi lengkap dengan kerupuknya
12. keliling Jatos, nothing to do !
13. ngerayain berapa bulanan di Cisangkuy. Dia beliin cupcake kecil trus pake lilin. So sweet. dan lo harus tau lilinnya lilin buat mati lampu hah *geleng-geleng kepala
14. Eka ngasih gue bunga di wisudaanya bang Pras. padahal mau mawar putih eh bunga yg warna-warni haha. kidding!
15. berdiri di bis tasik-jakarta, cileunyi-cililitan, macet di kuningan, doi belom keluar kerja, dan Tepar !
16. night in Tebet.
17. u meet my mom
18. menghayal about alien
19. berada di bis yang penuh sesak di bis tj.sari-kalapa ditemani bau yg macem2(uuek!)
20. ujan2an kuyub waktu ke ambasador

..and so on.. and so on ..

masih banyak lagi. tapi gue males ngetiknya. yg penting ada dihati haha alesan.


Bandung with the Eds

hi, how u doin'. i had a boring day in the morning, after took a shower i have nothing to do but twittering with my mates. as i said before i don't really like that social network, maybe because i'm a beginner. well, honestly i have no money i mean i have it but i have to be very picky to use my money. i don't want to be tortured on the last of this month.

unfortunately, emil and Ita ( the eds member) asked me to join them. they will go to BIP to accompany Emil who want her hair cut. it was sounds tantalize. then, i went to my room to change. here we go, the eds went to Bandung for the first time.

as we arrived i felt dead hungry. man, i always like that when i starve, dizzy and dont what im talkin about. then i ate in foodcourt with brigita a.k.a Ita. then i back to salon where emil cut her black shiny hair. i still feel dizzy, i don't know why.

after window shopping, we decided to back to nangor by Damri.on the way to DU i have to face an annoying driver..hah i used to paid 1500 only then now i've to pay 2000, RRRrrrr. even sadder though the DAMRI was full already. Damn, what should we do? i just have a few mount of money..we got in a public transp. to caheum and got in bus. what a slowly bus, i felt like i was riding an old turtle. 2 hours later we arrived and looking for a dinner. hah, however i love what we have done the eds. =*

btw The Eds members are me, Ita and Emil. we live in Pondok Edelweiss. eds is taken from edelweiss.

the sad part is we haven't taken any photo.. =(
now i am on my bed writing on this blank page.. and trying to write it in English. why? i know that i don't have much capability in English. and i realize that i have to keep learning everyday.

as Robert Collier said that "success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out". i don't care what people say.the important thing is i have to practice and enrich my vocabulary. yes i am a swot sometimes..and can be a procrastinator in the same time.


Selasa, 15 Maret 2011


when i was in high school I used to get up early, because the gate is closed at seven. in college the time is more flexible, though still there are times that seems to catch up. such as class time at half 8 or at last January i had a long holiday, my activities just watch TV, eat, sleep, watch TV, eat, sleep. that create my habits. i can't sleep less than 12 and can't wake up less than 10. i acted like moronic. full of foul mood..yeah the sort of things. several weeks ago i still keep my habits and then i realize i have to change it so i can get my normal activity. well, one day i have a class at 8 and u know what? i came to the class earlier than my friends. God, that was awesome for me. it was an achievement (triumphantly).

when i wake up at the 10 or 11 or even 9, i felt i only have a half of the day. i can't enjoy the day as well as i wake up at 7 or 6, at 7 or 6 or 5 we can grab our day. maybe u can do exercise, can have a breakfast, u have a plenty of time guys.

i still learn how to wake up in the morning and take the fresh air in front of my room. so i can have a longer day then :*

pray for japan

mari kita berdoa bersama-sama untuk Jepang dan rakyatnya. semoga mereka baik-baik saja disana tanpa kekurangan segala sesuatu apapun. gue disini ga bisa apa-apa, apalagi nyumbang uang.yang gue bisa adalah memberikan simpati dan berdoa. oke japan get well soon :*

bla bla bla

hai, lama sekali ga nulis. pasca kerusakan laptop gue, gue merasa sangat males nulis2. kemaren laptop gue rusak. gatau kenapa ga bisa ngebuka,ada sistem yang ilang kayanya. sebelumnya emang gue sempet ngapus2 virus eh malah sistem yg keapus. jadinya gue harus rela kehilangan lagu, foto, tulisan2 gue yang ga sempet dipost. jadinya mikir 5 kli mau nulis ulang.

oke akhir2 ini hidup gue biasa aja, setelah beberapa kali terlibat pertengkaran sama pacar gue sendiri. kuliah masih bisa diharapkan, belum terlalu menjemukan dan masih menantang. ada untungnya juga sih laptop gue rusak. gue jadi dipinjemin laptop sama modem punya bonyok gue. hehehe

akhir-akhir ini gue pengen banget baca buku tapi kayaknya susah banget buat konsen. hof. gue pengen nulis tapi gue lagi banyak2nya pikiran.pengen baca ga rilex. hah.udah dulu ya ngantuk gue . bye

jtngr, 16 maret 2011

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

hectic nan semu

well, lately gue merasa amat teramat sibuk. padahal kuliah cuma senin,kamis,jumat. tapi rasa2 nya gue sibuuuukk banget. ada banyak rencana dihidup gue yang ga bisa diacak2. harus berurutan, jadi yang satu ga bisa mendahului yg lain. gue jadi macet sendiri. :(

mohon doanya.